YogaFest 2013

by | Apr 23, 2013

This weekend a friend and I joined hundreds of attendees at Fort Lauderdale’s YogaFest, a day of yoga, music, and fun.

It had been a few months since I did yoga (and boy am I feeling that now), but as a flexed myself back into downward dog I felt all the knowledge and peace and harmony of yoga return to my body.

The body has a funny way of reawakening.

Right there on my yoga mat I felt myself come alive again. I realized what I love about standing there, being quiet, and just breathing.

Happiness lies within us.

If you ever want to feel happy sit in child’s pose outside with the sun on your back.

Do you remember as a child when you would sit out in the grass barefoot playing with toys?

That’s exactly how this feels. It feels happy.

At the end of the session the yoga instructor had us all hold hands and meditate together. It reminded us that we are all part of the same system: the world.

Our happiness is their happiness. Our pain is their pain.

It was a beautiful moment.

I am so glad I attended YogaFest and will do it again next year.

The delicious cake batter frozen yogurt helped close a wonderful day of
Yoga, learning, and love.










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