In my heart of hearts I always knew I was a lightworker. But just like many healers, spiritual types, and mystics I spent many years trying to run from who I really was. I tried so, so hard to fit in. I worked the corporate job, I got married, settled down, had...
October was a rough month. I broke electronics, my car got hit in the parking lot, and when my laptop was stolen- my words, words that I had spent countless hours perfecting, a book that I was in the middle of writing, poems that had poured from my heart- were gone in...
This weekend I attended my first spiritual conference, sponsored by Hay House, called “I Can Do It 2014.” Leading up to the weekend, I had experienced a number of big life changes and it seemed like this conference could not have come at a better time. On...
I was excited for YogaFest. I wouldn’t stop talking about it all week. Especially after all the fun I’d had at last year’s YogaFest. But then came the rain. Several of the girls I was going with started to cancel, and all the excitement I had been...
My friend, Dhru Purohit, and I have two things in common: we both grew up in Kenya and we both enjoy fresh, real food. I guess when you grow up in a beautiful country like Kenya, it’s hard to not love that which is fresh and pure. As a child, I still remember...