Just Believe in Yourself

Just Believe in Yourself

For the past few weeks I have been listening as friends and family share their concerns with me. They want my advice and I will always give it readily and always lend them a shoulder to cry on. But lately I have been pressing on my own shoulders. Through the practices...

12 Mantras to Brighten Your Day

Sometimes, when the day is rough, all you need is a great mantra to repeat to brighten your mood. Here are some of my favorites: (Tip: the elephant one is the Hindu God, Ganesh. He is known as the remover of obstacles. If you are going through something tough, repeat...

19 Reasons I am a 90’s Chick (and I Don’t Care)

While this song was stuck in my head, I started musing about the 90’s. It was a time of baggy pants, bubble-gum pop, and reality TV. From crop tops to dungarees, I wore them all. I had the Spice Girls 6 inch platform sneakers (yes I did) and I tried all the...

Love, Loss, and Moving Pictures

I lost someone this week. My dear uncle passed away after a long illness.   Through my sadness I found myself turning to his YouTube channel. Flickering videos of his grandchildren, my wedding, family fun, memories captured in time. He and I shared a love for the...