10 Uplifting Songs To Brighten Your Mood

Sometimes a beautiful tune drifting through the air is exactly what you need to change your mood. Today was a rainy, dreary day and I found myself in a little bit of a funk. But music really does soothe the soul. As soon as I turned on the radio, I found myself...

Building My Backbone

I sit behind a computer for 8 hours a day. I bet you do too. Yesterday I stopped typing and cracked my back. When I stood up my shoulder cracked. As I moved to the break room my ankle cracked. What was this posture doing to my bones? Or was more than just the computer...

She Walked In

She walked in, Without no shoes. Her bare feet covered in mud. She walked in, With her heart on her sleeve. Defenseless and ready and raw. And the patrons they turned, With their drinks in the air, And their jaws barely hitting the floor. “Did she really walk...

The Simple Law of Attraction

When I was in high school I was fascinated by chemistry. Strange coming from a literary geek, I know. But what greater story is there to write than the story of our bodies? Or how the universe works? Lately I have been thinking back to those high school days. Days...