A Bite of Cupcake, a Little Yoga, and Pinch of Love

A Bite of Cupcake, a Little Yoga, and Pinch of Love

I am excited to welcome another another guest blogger to Sookton’s Space! Elena, the sweet genius behind The Cupcake Factory blog, is going to share her secret recipe for a healthy cupcake (they do exist!) “I stumbled across Sookton’s Space following...
YogaFest 2013

YogaFest 2013

This weekend a friend and I joined hundreds of attendees at Fort Lauderdale’s YogaFest, a day of yoga, music, and fun. It had been a few months since I did yoga (and boy am I feeling that now), but as a flexed myself back into downward dog I felt all the...

On Finding Your Corinthians

I was having a bad day yesterday and escaped the office at lunch, rushing across the street to the local pharmacy. Although I was angry, I tried to calm myself and remember the importance of being zen and a keeping positive attitude. You could call this shopping...