You have arrived on this page because you seek happiness. I have a secret for you… You already are. Your happiness and your spiritual path have already been paved. You may have walked down that very path before. You may have already caught a glimpse of the...
Sometimes, when the day is rough, all you need is a great mantra to repeat to brighten your mood. Here are some of my favorites: (Tip: the elephant one is the Hindu God, Ganesh. He is known as the remover of obstacles. If you are going through something tough, repeat...
Today I had a sense of déjà vu. I was sitting at work, talking to my coworker- someone I just met- when it hit me. Wow. I’ve done this before. I remembered that desk and that chair. And what my coworker was saying. And the way she was saying it. I remembered it...
So often people go through their entire lives searching for happiness. It’s funny because happiness is so totally abstract. It’s like a Salvador Dali seen for the first time by a middle school student in art class. Happiness is like a symphony heard for...
I lost someone this week. My dear uncle passed away after a long illness. Through my sadness I found myself turning to his YouTube channel. Flickering videos of his grandchildren, my wedding, family fun, memories captured in time. He and I shared a love for the...