For the past few weeks I have been listening as friends and family share their concerns with me. They want my advice and I will always give it readily and always lend them a shoulder to cry on. But lately I have been pressing on my own shoulders. Through the practices...
You have arrived on this page because you seek happiness. I have a secret for you… You already are. Your happiness and your spiritual path have already been paved. You may have walked down that very path before. You may have already caught a glimpse of the...
So often people go through their entire lives searching for happiness. It’s funny because happiness is so totally abstract. It’s like a Salvador Dali seen for the first time by a middle school student in art class. Happiness is like a symphony heard for...
This weekend a friend and I joined hundreds of attendees at Fort Lauderdale’s YogaFest, a day of yoga, music, and fun. It had been a few months since I did yoga (and boy am I feeling that now), but as a flexed myself back into downward dog I felt all the...
Sometimes a beautiful tune drifting through the air is exactly what you need to change your mood. Today was a rainy, dreary day and I found myself in a little bit of a funk. But music really does soothe the soul. As soon as I turned on the radio, I found myself...