Songs that sound exactly the same

by | Apr 15, 2010

Have you noticed how some songs will come out and be all like “Oh no, I totally didn’t completely rip off that other douche, this is my original song, yeah totes.”

Whatever you LIE!

These are list of songs that I find SUSPICIOUSLY alike to other songs that have come out before them.

Please add to my list in the comments!

1. Alejandro by Lady Gaga Vs. Don’t Turn Around by Ace of Base

Music is most definetly ripped off, and the “Don’t call my name, Alejandro” sounds very much like the “Don’t turn around part” from our swedish friends Ace of Base.



2. You Belong with Me by Taylor Swift Vs. Girl Next Door by Saving Jane

The lyrics are a little bit too similar for me.

“She is the prom queen I’m in the marching band, she is a cheerleader, I’m sitting in the stands, she gets the top bunk I’m sleeping on the floor, She’s miss american, and I’m just the girl next door.” – Saving Jane


“But she wears short skirts, I wear t-shirts
She’s cheer captain and I’m on the bleachers
Dreaming bout the day when you wake up and find
That what you’re lookin for has been here the whole time.” – Taylor Swift


3. Stars are Blind by Paris Hilton Vs. Kingston Town by UB40

The reggae beat was totally stolen by Paris. Not that we ever thought Paris was original or anything.



4. People get ready by Curtis Mayfield Vs. Waiting on the World to Change by John Mayer

Hmmmm…come on Mayer.



5. He’s So Fine by the Chiffons Vs. My Sweet Lord by George Harrison

Harrison actually got sued for this one, although he did not do it intentionally. But the strangest thing was..after all that, the Chiffons recorded a version of My Sweet Lord years later, therefore giving Harrison back some of his royalties.



6. I’m  Yours by Jason Mraz Vs Hey Soul Sister by Train Vs Somewhere Over the Rainbow by israel kamakawiwo’ole

Maybe its just the ukelele? They sound alike to me.




7. Last Night by the Strokes Vs American Girl by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers

I think the riff and the drum beat are quite similar



8. Erin says these two sound alike. I can definitely hear the resemblance.

Fireflies by Owl City vs Such Great Heights by Postal Service



9. Borrowed themes?

Katey Perry I kissed a girl vs Jill Sobule I kissed a girl



Beyonce If I Were a Boy vs Ciara If I Were a Boy

Also in black and white? Hmmm



1 Comment

  1. Erin

    Owl City is totally a rip off of the Postal Service. Its not just that song. It’s the whole electronic thing and even the voice sounds strikingly similar. I think Owl City had that one good song and all the rest of his songs are going to sound exactly the same and be really boring.

    I also really agree with you on the Saving Jane/ Taylor Swift one.


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