It’s TIME.
Oh yes, it’s time to start earning the money you know you deserve. It’s time to break away from the fears that are stopping you reaching your true potential. It’s time so start waking up every day and attracting that abundant, luxurious lifestyle.
Are you ready to stop these limiting beliefs?
- I don’t have enough money
- I wish I could afford it
- Money comes, money goes
- I’ll never be as good as {insert awesome entrepreneur}
- Why can’t I do what I love and get paid for it too?
On Wednesday January 17 at 3pm EST I’m hosting my first Sookton Masterclass with the lovely Sarah Mac from Juicy Copy on Money Mindset and how to use Creativity to Heal your Money Blocks. It’s at 3pm EST and you can catch the replay if you can’t catch us in person.
Want to start stepping into what you deserve in 2018? Sign up using the link below.
Sarah Mac is a Copywriter and Business Coach for Creatives, Coaches and Healers who want to grow their income and enjoy more creative freedom in their life and career. CEO of Copywriting Agency Juicy Copy, Sarah helps entrepreneurs to attract their dream clients by sharing their authentic message with clarity, confidence and inspiration.
Suki Eleuterio is a Creative Goddess, inner magic coach and award-winning blogger of Sookton & the Angels. She empowers high-vibe creatives to unlock their inner magic and take inspired, definitive action to achieve their business and spiritual goals. Her clients find inner peace, transformation, and alignment so they can truly shine. Suki is the creator of Lightworkers Rise Up.