Creative Goddess

The Mastermind

An 8-month container of expansion, sisterhood, and transformation to birth your creative ideas into this world.

True Expression Begins When We Honor

Our Inner Goddess

We live in a world where we’ve been taught to hide our true spiritual gifts. We dim our lights to fit in, bite our tongues to be seen and not heard, and shove our true desires so deep down that we forget why we are really here. You deserve to shine, you deserve to be seen and heard, the Goddess Within You Deserves to Share Her Gifts with the World!

To be a Creative Goddess you must be willing to dive deep and reconnect with your true essence… your feminine mysticism.

I’m here to help you ignite your creative flame and watch as you
step in your comic power!

This is a container to activate your Flow state.

When we are in Flow state we are listening to our divine calling and we have no fear to fully express our spiritual gifts with the world. We are channeling from the highest source. We are co-creating with our creator. We are dancing a cosmic dance with the Divine Feminine – The Goddess. We are listening to the creative stirrings of our soul.

In this mastermind you will find yourself leveling UP in all areas of your life. As you activate FLOW and CREATION state, you will notice that you may be filled with tears, sobbing in a combination of joy, ecstasy and pain. Or you might simply find yourself doing the “creative” things you were always meant to do. Your bank account may be fuller. Your smile may be more radiant. Your love life may blossom. These are the effects of you listening to your soul.

Creativity is not limited to the arts, you may be solving problems more creatively or understanding mathematical equations from a cosmic, spiritual lens. You might be solving world hunger or you may become the embodied leader you always knew you could be.

You will be surrounded by a sacred container of women who are in alignment with your vibrational frequency and who are ready and willing to lift you higher.

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Creative Energy is Your Healing

When I was a Sophomore in College I was anxious and depressed and in a world of pain.

My best friend had found a new circle of friends and all of sudden, for the first time in my life, I found myself completely alone. I was having dinners and lunches alone, I surrounded myself with questionable guys and spent time in my share of toxic relationships. In that lonely year I spent so much time disrespecting myself. And I didn’t share any of this with a living soul. I went through it entirely alone.

It took me 20 years to realize how much pain I held in from that year.

It wasn’t until I stepped into a coaching container with my own coach that I realized… wow being creative is my healing. I started working with GODDESS Energy and specifically called upon Goddess Saraswati, the Goddess of creative arts, expression, and flow.

The Goddesses helped me to make a commitment to myself. I started by making a commitment to…

✨ Being more honest with my expression
✨ Connecting with like-minded, high-vibrational beings
✨ Honoring myself, being gentle and kind to myself
✨ Showing off ALL my spiritual gifts, without fear of judgment
✨ Going deeper
✨ Healing my inner child

In this way I can hold better space for others, commit to going ALL in with my desires, and feel the blessings that come when I am fully expressed.

This is the healing.

I realized that I have been half sharing. HALF sharing my creations, HALF sharing my voice, HALF sharing my spiritual gifts. I was not letting other people see them or hear from me because I didn’t think they were “good enough”. But when I finally took a good look I realized, wow there is so much magic and value in each of my beautiful creations!

I want to share something I wrote at the beginning of this year, as the ice and snow lay on the ground and I thought about what I was CREATING and the energy I was embodying this year:

“I am ready to no longer play small or try to contain myself for others. I am committed to showing up authentically and shining for the world to see. I am forgiving parts of myself that are unhealed around receiving… I am BEAUTIFUL as a soul. I am healed and wealthy and infinitely loved.”

When I awoke to my inner goddess I realized how powerful I truly was! I found the balance between the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine, the beauty of giving and receiving and I started understanding how my energy flows best. I worked within the realms of my feminine mysticism and magnetism, I learned how to be soft and gentle with myself and mostly, I allowed my creations to come to life!

Now I want to teach you to do the same.

Learn How to Work With Your Inner Goddess to…

✨ Transmute pain and work through shadow energy
✨ Create (and complete your creations) with the right intentions
✨ Allow yourself to be fully seen in a vulnerable way
✨ Embrace divine feminine leadership styles
✨ Stay focused to finish the tasks
✨ Stand in your power – learn tools for confidence
✨ Express yourself fully, without the fear of judgment
✨ Forgive the parts of yourself that were still living in pain

This mastermind is a divine container and a sacred space. Everything shared in this container will remain in the sanctity of this container. Together we will rise.

Creative Goddess

The Mastermind

is a transformational experience for coaches, teachers, speakers, healers, and those who have chosen to make a big impact on the consciousness of this planet.

What to expect

When you join the Creative Goddess Mastermind you are making a BOLD statement to the Universe. Through our 8 months together, you can expect:

✨ Two group mastermind sessions per month (1.5 hours on Zoom)
✨ One guest expert session per month (in our private FB group)
✨ On-going Voxer support and group chats
✨ A Creative Goddess gift packet for all mastermind members

In addition, you can expect the following:

Learn From the Collective

Women work best when we work in a community. In ancient times women worked together in small communes, we cooked together, we birthed together, we cried together, we grew together. In this mastermind, we will learn from each other. We will hold space for each other. Here are our guest teachers:

✨ Marlena Shepherd – Trusting Your Soul
✨ Jessi Guidry – Goddess Nutrition
✨ Megan Hart – Feminine Embodiment
✨ Erika Elizabeth – Shadow Work + Birthing Your Creations
✨ Ludmia Lamothe – Masterminding Your Life
✨ Maria Holder – The Divine Mandala
✨ Oana Aurora – The Archetypes Of Your Soul

Intimate Connections with Your Soul Tribe

I believe that we are here to lift each other higher. This mastermind will 100% be about creating opportunities for each of us to shine, be heard, and share our intuitive gifts. There will be endless opportunities to step into leadership roles, share your business, and contribute on a deep, meaningful level to society.

This mastermind is for you if you:

Lack Direction – I don’t know my soul’s purpose.
Fear of coming out of the spiritual closet – how do I share my spiritual gifts with the world?
Fear of expansion/ Being stuck – Where do I go from here?
Too many ideas – why do I never finish what I start?
Fear of being seen – no one wants to hear me/see me
Marketing + tech help – how do I bring it all together?
Too much hustle, not enough flow – how can it be EASY?
Perfectionism/high achievers – stuck in the “not good enough.

Meet your host

Creativity is my superpower and I am here to help people live a life of passion, abundance, and ease. I do this by using specific tools that have assisted me in my creative journey along the way: embodiment, spiritual rituals, goddess worship, and yoga.

In case you don’t know me, my name is Suki Eleuterio, or “Sookton.” The name Sookton came many years ago as a pet name my husband used to call me. I am a mother, wife, cosmic time traveler, blogger, writer, tea drinker, multi-ethnic, healing spaces facilitator, multi-passionate, motivational speaking, energy-shifting spiritual coach, and down-to-earth creativity mentor.

Over the years I have found various avenues of self-expression including writing (my work has been published in the Huffington Post, MindBodyGreen, and other publications), creating visionary online programs, teaching high-vibrational courses, speaking on massive stages, creating communities like Found My Light and Lightworkers Rise Up, and much more.



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