Get Back to Where You Once Belonged

Sometimes we get comfortable in our ruts. It’s a rut. It’s warm, it’s easy, it requires the least effort. So we sit there, we take the abuse, we feel our bodies grow tired, but worst of all we feel our spark start to fade. Our minds are growing weak....

The Exam

Tests. I suck at them. I generally get overly anxious, the room might squeeze in around me and my palms will probably start to sweat. Eventually I will forget to breathe and then all I hear is my heart beat. The exam or test is just staring me down. Challenging me. I...

Ode to the Scribe Or Why Being a Writer Sucks, Sometimes

I didn’t always want to be a writer. I just knew that there were words bubbling inside of me that I wanted to catch. Sometimes I would grab a pen and write them down, sometimes I would dance with them in my mind, and other time I would craft them into a poem, or...

7 Ways to Impress the Socks Off of Everyone You Know

In this world it is easy to get lost in the crowd. But we are all awesome individuals and we all need to have our moment in the spotlight. I have been to a number of social events lately both for work and for play, and as the typical writer/observer in the room I have...

Surgery Sookton, A Room of My Own, and Popcorn-Palooza

An hour before surgery and the nerves had started to kick in…big time. Rob was sitting by my side holding my hand and trying to warm me up, when I started to realize, wow, this is really happening right now. “You’re a surgery Sookton,” he said....

I Write Because I Love.

I write because I love. I write because the world speaks. The world whispers Softly in my ear. Quiet, like a tempting lover. Whispers sweet, Whispers low, Whispers through the window Pain. I write because it hurts, I write because it, Seeps through me. Like dark red...