My friend, Dhru Purohit, and I have two things in common: we both grew up in Kenya and we both enjoy fresh, real food. I guess when you grow up in a beautiful country like Kenya, it’s hard to not love that which is fresh and pure. As a child, I still remember...
I met Deinah when we were both students in high school. On the dusty school yard in Nairobi, Kenya, we would often talk and laugh together. But unlike some of my other friends, we seemed to connect on a deeper, spiritual level. I always enjoy meeting people that seem...
The day was January 1, 2014. New beginnings. Three friends sat on the beach, reflecting on last year and bringing in the possibility of the coming year. “2014 is going to be a great, great year,” they said. And it was.
My parents always taught me to appreciate the things I had. Growing up in East Africa, there were many around us who were extremely poor. There were people who were literally starving to death, or people dying of AIDs. Children who were begging for change on the...
I have a problem. I am an eternal optimist. Many would say that’s not exactly a problem, but it is when you are trying the wrestle with the problems that plague our Earth. Floods, bombs, poverty, rape, exploitation, war… “How am I gonna be an...
The other day I was standing outside talking on my phone. The sky was a brilliant blue, not a cloud in the sky. The sun was beating down hard on my shoulders. I had just received a call from an interesting stranger. She was offering me the chance to participate in a...