The Secret and Manifesting Your Reality

The Secret and Manifesting Your Reality

This past April, I was watching a movie called The Secret (based on the book), when they asked me to imagine I was sitting in a car. My dream car. What did it feel like, what type of car was it? They asked you to put your hands on the wheel and imagine driving it....
5 Yoga Poses to Open the Heart

5 Yoga Poses to Open the Heart

This morning I woke up in a funk. After falling asleep to the riots in Ferguson, Missouri I was left reeling. How could human beings treat each other like this? How could a 16-year old, unarmed teenager be gunned down and the killer just be allowed to walk away? What...
5 Styles of Yoga to Try At Least Once

5 Styles of Yoga to Try At Least Once

When I took my first hot yoga class over seven years ago, I was a hopeful couch potato looking for an “easy way to get in shape.” As I sweated it out in downward dog I said to myself, “I can’t do this, I’m not strong enough.” And so...
4 Lessons I Learned From Oprah’s Life You Want Weekend

4 Lessons I Learned From Oprah’s Life You Want Weekend

October was a rough month. I broke electronics, my car got hit in the parking lot, and when my laptop was stolen- my words, words that I had spent countless hours perfecting, a book that I was in the middle of writing, poems that had poured from my heart- were gone in...
I Played Hooky from Work & It Revitalized My Soul

I Played Hooky from Work & It Revitalized My Soul

“Follow your dreams, to the fields unknown, to where wild flowers sink into the sun. I will meet you there, and we shall dance until the sun rises once again.” – Red Deer It had been a long week. In the daytime, I worked on freelance projects, in the...
Finding My Light

Finding My Light

I was honored to take pictures with the beautiful photographer, Juliya Sirotin from Honest Expressions Photography.At first, I was very nervous and tense. I hadn’t taken pictures in a long time (side note: I used to model in college) and being back in front of...