Sookton’s Trufax: Cooking

Some things are just facts, my friend Laura likes to call them “trufax.” Today’s blog post is the first of my Trufax posts and it features cooking. Trufax: Learning to Cook Takes Observation, Patience and Experimentation When I graduated college and...

Have a Little Patience

You know that saying “patience is a virtue”? Well I always hated that saying, mostly because I am a very impatient person. When I want something done right, I am going to do it myself. When I have to wait for results I am infuriated. And yet, over the...

I’m Back And Still Breathing!

It’s been almost a month since I have posted on my blog and I feel horrible about it! I guess when you are out living there is less room for writing. And living is good but writing is how I breathe so you can say I have been holding my breath for several weeks...

Show Me Heaven

There are some moments you will remember all your life. This was one of those moments. It was pouring rain, the lights were flickering and flashes of lightning illuminated the sky. I was upstairs in the television room watching Top of the Pops. I remember the song...

Don’t Stop Believing

My coworker had a panic attack in my car today. I was driving, we were twisting down the two lane streets of eastern Pennsylvania on our way back from Hershey, passing Amish buggies and trotting horses. She had just received a phone call from her mother who explained...

You’re Toxic I’m Slipping Under

Do we live in a toxic world? Are we slipping under? Maybe Britney isn’t as dumb as she looks (or her lyricists at least). Rob and I went to the grocery store today. We had one goal in mind: buy fresh fruits and vegetables for our detox cleanse that we are doing...