“There will be no more hiding in the shadows of fear, There will be no more chains to hold you. The future is yours, you hold the key. And there are no walls with freedom.” Today I woke up feeling alive. It is a feeling I can’t really explain. Even...
Ok the holiday season is (finally) over! Now that I have had my fill of chocolate, alcohol, meats, breads, mashed potatoes, string beans, pies, deserts and four course meals, it’s time to start getting back to reality: NO ONE is supposed to eat this way!...
Over the past few months I have found a new motto, “I will only focus on the positive. I will only spread joy.” So often we get consumed by complaints, usurped by judgments, nailed by negativity. But where is the love? If we aren’t spreading love how...
In case you have read the other 10 Day You Challenges and are wondering where 7 went, the answer is: I have hidden it. As part of the 10 Day You Challenge, number 7 was to write 7 things you want. Well I think that is a little self indulgent and also a little...
I am the queen of avoidance. If I don’t want to do it, or I am scared, or there is a big confrontation, I usually find the quickest way to exit, stage right. But avoiding is not living, and sometimes you have to grip the wheel and plow forward. Today is one of...
The last time I was in California I met a woman who gave me a coin. She worked with my mother and it was the first time I had met her, but we instantly bonded. She told me of her travels around the world and her spiritual journey. She spoke of yoga and her faith in...