The Medicalization of Depression or How I Found a Window

Depression is not a furry blue blanket. It’s not a cute cartoon or a lady with an adorable puppy running through a field of grass. Pharmaceutical companies have wrapped up the word “depression” into a pretty pink bow. Depression is big business....

Out of the woods

I’ve been wandering in the woods for several months now. Every time I see a clearing, a place where I can see the sun, I am drawn back in. It all began with a diagnosis. And then another and then another and soon I began to wonder if these diseases defined me....

100 Year Old Lady Gets Married

I had to share this because it is possibly the most romantic thing ever. My favorite quote from her, “It was not what you got, it was what you made out of the marriage.” Some very wise words to live by. My favorite quote from him, “When she comes...

Finding the Self

Today I went to work with no make up on. It’s the first time I’ve done this in quite a while. You see, I was brushing my teeth when a strange thought came over me. I thought “why do I have to put on my make up after this? Why do I do that?” And...

I’m Learning to Fly

I saw a dead bird. Yes, I saw a dead bird on Valentine’s Day. It was frozen on the ground; laying still, peaceful. My heart broke for it. I’ve been trying to find my wings lately. And since I take everything to be a sign, I took this dead bird as a very...

