We stood out on the beach shoulder to shoulder and looked out at the ocean. “That which I desire is within me.” We gave thanks to the ocean and released all our desires out beyond the shoreline. Today’s centering meditation by Deepak Chopra involves...
Can you change your life in 21 days? I plan to. Thanks to a little nudge from the one and only Deepak Chopra, I have decided to change my outlook on life in the course of 21 days. From this day forward, I am committing to writing every day (right here), meditating...
Yesterday I woke up with a hankering for tacos. I swear, I am not pregnant, but I was practically salivating for them by the end of the day. Having given up meat (except for fish) since January I knew I had to modify my usual recipe so I headed for the grocery store....
Today’s recipe comes courtesy of Two Peas and Their Pod. But of course I had to give it a unique Sookton spin. Avocados! I am so obsessed with them.This recipe was satisfying and oh so delicious! Perfect for summer dinners. Your Ingredients: 10 ounces rotelle...
Sometimes we get comfortable in our ruts. It’s a rut. It’s warm, it’s easy, it requires the least effort. So we sit there, we take the abuse, we feel our bodies grow tired, but worst of all we feel our spark start to fade. Our minds are growing weak....