6 Easy Ways To Be Good to the Earth

Happy Earth Day! Every year I make an effort to do something good for the earth on Earth Day. After all, the earth has been pretty good to me. Join me in celebrating the earth and taking these 6 easy steps to living a greener life. 1. Take your own bags to the grocery...

On Finding Your Corinthians

I was having a bad day yesterday and escaped the office at lunch, rushing across the street to the local pharmacy. Although I was angry, I tried to calm myself and remember the importance of being zen and a keeping positive attitude. You could call this shopping...
30 Things Every Woman Should Have By the Age of 30

30 Things Every Woman Should Have By the Age of 30

Turning 30. It’s a major milestone for everyone. But women, in particular, feel the heat. As a youth every little girl had a dream of where she would be by the age of 30. Will I have kids? A successful career? A handsome husband on my arm? Society puts the added...

21 Reasons to Meditate

I hope you will join me on the 21 Day Meditation Challenge by Deepak Chopra and Oprah. The last time I participated in the 21 Day challenge with Deepak Chopra, I can honestly say it changed my life. Why is meditation important? I used to think it was just something...

Beautiful Poetry of Spring

Today we were walking in the park and I looked up to see a flock of birds encompassing the sky. I can feel the beauty of spring in the breeze. No wonder spring has been the ever-changing muse of so many a great writer. Here are just a few of my favorite spring poems...