15 Reasons Dogs Are Just Awesome

15. They Like To Cuddle 14. They Are Very Enthusiastic 13. They Sleep Upside Down 12. They Know Their Fashion 11. They Show You How They Feel 10. They Are Super Foodies at Heart 9. They Make Excellent Alarm Clocks 8. They Secretly LOVE Selfies 7. They Gossip With the...

The Awakening

I have been unable to write for the past few weeks. It’s not that I don’t want to write. I love writing. It lives within me at all moments of the day. It is like an old friend that will always know my heart, completely. But lately, it has been hard to...

Happiness Lies In Your Own Hands

Today I had one of those days where life just feels good and the universe seems to be smiling upon me. I woke up, relaxed with some meditation, dressed up and felt good about myself, and got to work. At lunch, I went on a walk and the weather was beautiful. The sun...

Talking to Trees

I talked to a tree today. I know I probably sound crazy to you right now, but I talked to a tree, and I heard it talk back. To fully understand this story, you must rewind through my life to take a glance at these precious trees. When I was a child, I would sit in my...
Just Believe in Yourself

Just Believe in Yourself

For the past few weeks I have been listening as friends and family share their concerns with me. They want my advice and I will always give it readily and always lend them a shoulder to cry on. But lately I have been pressing on my own shoulders. Through the practices...
An Ode to My Roots

An Ode to My Roots

I am walking through a field of dragonflies. The hum of cicadas lingers in the air. Today I am spending my lunch break here, with my heels digging into the dirt. It doesn’t smell particularly nice and it’s hot, but I know this is exactly where I need to be...