3 Natural Remedies for PCOS Symptoms

3 Natural Remedies for PCOS Symptoms

In honor of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Awareness Month, I am sharing the natural tips and tricks I’ve learned over the years for managing my PCOS symptoms.  It’s such a yucky term: Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (or PCOS). What does it even mean? I still...
This is the ME in Endometriosis

This is the ME in Endometriosis

I was officially diagnosed with endometriosis in a cold doctor’s office in the fall of 2011. To this day I still remember the feeling when my doctor showed me the images of the endometrial lesions that had been growing on my uterus, bowels, and bladder. I just...
Stop Hating Your Period

Stop Hating Your Period

The moment I embraced my period and let it go, was the moment the pain lifted. A few weeks ago I was honored to be part of the Painless Period Summit by Womb Goddess. In my interview we had the chance to talk about our periods – something that SO many women are...
Emotional Pain: Endometriosis & Healing Your Yoni

Emotional Pain: Endometriosis & Healing Your Yoni

Last weekend I was invited to present at a Red Tent gathering in Hollywood, Florida. I was presenting a new program I have been working on called Love Thy Uterus, a program encouraging women to tune in to this beautiful part of ourselves. I know it’s part of my...
Facing the Pain: My Battle with PCOS and Endometriosis

Facing the Pain: My Battle with PCOS and Endometriosis

This is a real life story about my experience being diagnosed with PCOS and Endometriosis. You can read the article in 302 Health Magazine: Curled up in the fetal position I would clutch my abdomen as the cramps grew worse. With each wave of nausea I would breathe in...