Call for Participants: Endo Can’t Take My Happy Project

by | Feb 20, 2014

This March, women all over the world will come together for the Million Women March for Endometriosis in Washington, DC and in cities around the globe.

While I am disappointed that I cannot attend, I can’t tell you how happy I am that this march is happening!

Endometriosis is a disease that is near and dear to my heart. I was diagnosed (formally) in 2011 and underwent laparoscopic surgery to have the adhesions removed. Since then I have connected with hundreds of women around the world who are suffering from unimaginable pain. Unfortunately, I know first hand what it feels like when endometriosis takes away your happy.

A painful gynecological condition, endometriosis occurs when tissues lining the uterus break free and spread to the surfaces of surrounding organs, causing lesions to grow and bleed in spots all over your body, most commonly on the ovaries, bowels, and bladder. There is no known cure for endometriosis and there is still much mystery surrounding its cause.

But endometriosis should never take your happy away!

And that’s why I have started the Endo Can’t Take My Happy Project.


What is the Endo Can’t Take My Happy Project?

March is Endometriosis month and I wanted to do something special. I remember what it feels like to be in constant pain, to be emotional, to go through surgeries, and to feel so completely alien and alone.  I want women everywhere to know they are NOT alone, there are millions of women out there struggling with endometriosis- in fact there are 2 million worldwide.

I talk to women with endometriosis all the time who are in such pain and agony, they feel there is no happiness left.

That’s not true!

I want to spread happiness and give hope. This project will be a way to bring #endosisters together and show that happiness does exist. It will also be a way to raise awareness, educate others, and empower women with endometriosis. 

How Can I Get Involved?

I will be interviewing 30 women from around the world, I will ask you about your endometriosis journey and ask you to submit a happy picture of yourself- maybe it was a time in your life that you were happiest, or maybe it was yesterday, or maybe it was on your wedding day, whatever it is I want to see you happy.

To participate: please email me at lilmissmovie [at] gmail [dot] com with your name, location, and year you were diagnosed, also include your twitter handle if you have one. I will be in touch with you with a few questions (maximum of 5 questions and a request for photos).

To participate in the Million Women March for Endometriosis visit

Spread the word!


photo credit: Hammonton Photography via photopin cc
photo credit: Vít Hassan via photopin cc
photo credit: marimoon via photopin cc
photo credit: Meanest Indian via photopin cc
photo credit: Kris Krug via photopin cc
photo credit: Viewminder via photopin cc
photo credit: ChrisGoldNY via photopin cc


  1. Michelle

    I really like the title of your book!
    Thank you for writing a book like this!
    It’s so empowering to see so many utilizing their talents to uplift the endo community.
    Please let med know how your project is progressing.


  2. Amanda Lynn

    Hi, I was wondering if you were doing this again for 2015? I live in Bangladesh and can talk about it from here if you’d like. My husband is from here, so he can talk about the culture of things too.


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