Love Should Be Part of Your Business Plan

Love Should Be Part of Your Business Plan

“What does love have to do with my business plan?” This is a question I receive a lot in my coaching. When I start talking about the heart chakra and love and being open to receiving, many people wonder, what is this woo-woo woman talking about? How can...
Speak Up: 5 Spiritual Tips to Express Your True Self

Speak Up: 5 Spiritual Tips to Express Your True Self

“I am now expanding into the FULLNESS of my being.”  – Oprah Winfrey  I know you may have heard it before but hey, it’s time to SPEAK UP, we can’t hear you and your beautiful words and that just, well, sad. 😢  Let me tell you, speaking up...
Become a Spiritual Coach & Follow Your Soul-Guided Mission

Become a Spiritual Coach & Follow Your Soul-Guided Mission

It feels really official. I finally changed my LinkedIn profile to let the world know I am a spiritual coach. I don’t know why this final “coming out,” took me so long but I just felt like my former co-workers, bosses, and the rest of the contacts...
I Can’t Afford It: Try This to Shift Your Money Mindset

I Can’t Afford It: Try This to Shift Your Money Mindset

“I can’t afford it !” These are the words I would use over and over again when it came to making big investments in myself or my business. I always thought, “man I would love to sign up for that program. I would love to take that trip. I would love...
Podcast: Can You Launch Your Business During a Pandemic?

Podcast: Can You Launch Your Business During a Pandemic?

If money wasn’t a concern, what would you really be doing with your life? I invite you to look into your SOUL for the answers. Listen now:   Can you launch a business in the middle of a pandemic? Let’s face it, we are going through some challenging...
The Year I Lived in a Haunted House

The Year I Lived in a Haunted House

In the fall of 2010 I lived in a haunted house. The experience has forever changed my life.   A few years later I chose to write this blog post chronicling our time in the haunted house and I was contacted by a producer for the television show Paranormal...
Podcast: How to Deal With Holiday Stress

Podcast: How to Deal With Holiday Stress

How do you deal with holiday stress? The most “wonderful time of year” can also bring up a lot of emotions and even bouts of depression.   Here’s how to handle the stress of it all.   Listen now:   Maybe the title of this podcast sounded...
Podcast: The Path of Being an Entrepreneur

Podcast: The Path of Being an Entrepreneur

  In this episode I describe five “A-Ha” moments I had on the path of becoming an entrepreneur, someone who leads from the heart.    Listen now:        Welcome to the first episode of Soul Guided by Sookton, today I’d like to...
3 Natural Remedies for PCOS Symptoms

3 Natural Remedies for PCOS Symptoms

In honor of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Awareness Month, I am sharing the natural tips and tricks I’ve learned over the years for managing my PCOS symptoms.  It’s such a yucky term: Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (or PCOS). What does it even mean? I still...
Why I Am Done with the Word ‘Hopefully’

Why I Am Done with the Word ‘Hopefully’

I am no longer going to use the word ‘hopefully.’ This word ‘hopefully’ has stood in my way for far too long and I am finally casting it aside. ‘Hopefully’ is almost like that afterthought you wish you never had. It brings in an element of uncertainty,...