Several years ago I discovered the power of removing negative energy from my home. At the time, I was living in a haunted house and every day I was subjected to taunting and hostile negative spirits. It was a nightmare! I started doing online research to try to...
Gratitude. It’s a word that is thrown around a lot, but what does it actually mean? Over the years I have heard the word but only lately have I been learning to put it into practice. You see, I believe being grateful is truly being MINDFUL. It’s taking...
“Love is how you earn your wings.”~ Karen Goldman I’ve often been asked, “What is an Earth Angel?” The answer is not that simple, so I am here to explain. You see, an Earth Angel is someone who has a very important earthly mission. This is a...
It’s dark and I am sitting by candlelight writing this on my living room floor. For several days now we have been bunked up in our house as hurricane force winds and rain swirled by. This is Hurricane Irma, called a “monster storm” by the media, it...
This blog post about the wounded healer was entirely channeled to me by my Angels on August 23, 2017. It is infused with healing Reiki Angelic Energy. Do not fear the wound. Do not fear the darkness. Because it is from this wound, this dark, this mess, that you will...