The fog has lifted and I have been told to write. Two days ago I saw my life flash before me as my car was smashed into another vehicle. The thoughts were rushing through my brain. What just happened? Is my daughter okay? Am I okay? Where am I? What do I do? As the...
Money can be a taboo topic in the land of spiritual seekers. As a lightworker and earth angel, it has taken me many years to learn how to manifest money. For a long time, I treated money poorly, I was disorganized, I was broke, and I was too frightened to ask for what...
These past two weeks Mercury has been in retrograde. It’s a time of miscommunication, hostility, tech failure, and a time of confusion and chaos. For me it was a time of self discovery and hardship. It was also a time of nostalgia and overthinking. I did a lot...
It’s Time Out Time for Fear This morning I pulled a card from my Earth Magic oracle card deck and it said “RIVER…MOVEMENT.” I read the book staring at the beautiful card in my hand. It said, “Surrender to the movement of life, be...
A mantra is “a word or sound repeated to aid concentration in meditation.” Did you know that everything – and I mean literally everything – is vibration? This is a revelation I had while diving deep into a mantra that shifted my entire...