Always Put Yourself in Charge

by | Nov 30, 2010

Not to quote the Sound of Music or anything but “Whenever God closes a door somwhere he opens a window.” Thank you Fraulein Maria. Whenever I feel down and gloomy in the world somehow something comes along to open my eyes, straighten my gaze and keep me on my path.

I was standing in line at the doctors yesterday with my head down and my shoulders hunched. It had been a rough couple of days. Suddenly the woman next to me caught my eye. Her sweatshirt was colorful and on it in big red letters were the words:

“Always Put Yourself in Charge.”

Wow, I thought to myself, I guess I needed that.

Sometimes life gets you down and you feel everyone and everything is putting you down. But ultimately you are in charge, you are taking the wheel. And if you allow other people to drive you, you will not arrive at your destination.

There are so many signs out there but sometimes we walk around with the blinders on. If we open our eyes we might just see that we are headed in the right direction, we might just see “rest stop 15 miles” dead ahead.

Today I received a letter from a man in LaFayette, Indiana. A few years ago he had open heart surgery and he explained how “his heart is not doing good anymore.” In his retirement he is now collecting pens from all over the world because as he says, “When people who don’t keep busy retire, they just seem to fade away.” His letter deeply touched me. He is not trying to collect over 4000 pens to beat the Guiness World Record, he asked for some of ours at the University that I work. I sent him all I could grab.

When I sent him a letter back with the pens I said, “Good luck on your mission and thank you for sending us your letter that was filled with positivity and warmth. I am confident that you will reach your goal.
“Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine.”

Today I was walking to the microwave with my head down, shoulders slumped. I was feeling a litte down. The Nigerean man that sits out in the student lounge every day working on his business work said hi to me as he always does. But today he says “You know what you have?” I said no. He said, “You have what we call in Nigeria ‘Ajidewe’.” I said, “What does that mean?” And he explained that it means life essence, youth, someone who exudes positivity, someone with energy and strength. I said, “wow really?” And then he wrote the word down and gave it to me:


It is sitting on the desk in my office right now.

Finally, I received an email from a lady who read an article I wrote in the latest Wilmington University magazine. (Maybe I will post that article up here so you can read it to). In the email she said:

“I have no doubt you will have a very successful career as a writer, commentator, or whatever it is you choose to do!  The sky’s
the limit! – Kathy.”

Those words came to me right when I needed them. Right when I was questioning if I was doing alright.

So I guess what I am saying is – things get better, keep on going forward and look out for these subtle signs that are the worlds way of letting you know you are on the right path.

Me with my Momma




  1. Jessica

    Good post, suktons. I don’t like to see when my friends are down, but your positivity is inspiring. Even though it isn’t your fav quote, it really helps me when I’m feeling down: “Everything happens for a reason.”

  2. Laura Brown

    “Whenever God closes a door somwhere he opens a window to jump out of’ -Fraulein Laurabotz


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